Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Dana discovered that in Mexico he could drive without a driver's license as long as someone else in the vehicle had a license.  So, guess who did much of the return trip driving in Mexico.  Yeah, yours truly … consequently few photos were taken on the way back.
And yes, we were stopped many times at checkpoints along the way by both the Federal Police and the Military.  None questioned Dad's driver's license when Dana handed it to them while he was sitting in the driver's seat.
Everyone at the checkpoints was courteous and helpful contrary to propaganda.
Also, along the way, our oxygen bottle cap holding water was damaged so Dad could not get oxygen.  We therefore ended up at the airport in San Luis Potosi where airport authorities sold us their plastic oxygen bottle cup making it possible for us to continue driving back.
Then, when Dad's oxygen did run out we ended up stopping outside San Fernando at another Pemex gas station.  And again, the Mexican Federal Police came to the rescue.  They just so happened to be getting gasoline while we were there.  They called the local firefighters (bomberos) who came and picked up our empty oxygen bottle and took it to be filled before returning it to us while we waited at the Pemex.  How's that for helpful, friendly service!
Mexico, We Love You!

Stopped Near Victoria, Mexico

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