Friday, May 4, 2012


Before arriving in Cocoa Beach, Florida Dana persuaded us to stop in Titusville to obtain copies of the deed (Book 930, page 137) to our home in Cocoa Beach.  Dad bought the house at 344 Barrello Lane from Edwin E. and Helen V. Lasch on 27 January 1967.  As part of the terms of the sale Dad agreed to assume and pay the unpaid principle balance being in the amount of $19,026.34.  The Lasch’s mortgage was with Stockton, Whatley, Davin and Company dated January 1, 1964 (Book 655, page 413).  The property is described as Lot 4, Block B, Venetian Way according to the plat recorded in Plat Book 14, page 75 of the Public Records of Brevard County, Florida.  Note that Dad never sold this property and home to anyone.
Our Home
344 Barrello Lane
Cocoa Beach, Florida 32921
Stolen From Us By The Federal Government
Dana also obtained a copy of a document acknowledging the seizure (theft) of our home by the Federal Government aided by the Brevard County Sheriff and the Cocoa Beach Police.  This theft of our home was accomplished without any court action whatsoever and further attests to the criminal actions of authorities.
Authorities had hoped that Dad would have used a gun to defend our home so they could have killed him in cold blood, but he didn’t.  The Federal Government had previously robbed us of over $5 million dollars and was out to use every effort to silence Dad and to remove us from our home thereby depriving us of a place to stand and fight.
To date, nobody has come to help so we have been faced with standing alone while our neighbors continue to finance the corruption in government without a peep.  For more information see Economic Strife Prevails.
The Story gets a little even deeper than that when one recognizes what is going on in Wall Street and in the Federal Reserve.  If the system were corrected International Organized Crime would suffer untold expenses and restitution not just to Dad but to nations and peoples.
Today, we can see International Organized Crime by examining Jeremiah 5:15-17 and Isaiah 10:13-14 (KJV).  They are still doing their thing unimpeded.  However, Scripture describes a rather interesting End Times wherein we are now living.  That is, an Eternal Kingdom is forming wherein the evildoers of this world and those who serve them will end up in the fourth or lowest caste as servants for eternity with no chance of escape (Jeremiah 30:16-17; Isaiah 31:2-3 [KJV]).  Yes, they will be paying for eternity!  They can laugh today but tomorrow they will wish they could die.
Thus, the evildoers and all who support them will get what they ask for!  So, to verify matters the thieves and their helpers need to look no farther than their Bibles.

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