Sunday, April 1, 2012


Because of the large number of staff members at Valley Baptist Medical Center who assisted Dad this subsequent post is added to the post already titled, "LIFESAVERS".
Jose (Nurse Assistant)
John (Nurse)

Nancy (Nurse) &
Dad Now With Pacemaker
Valerie (Nurse)
Marisa (Nurse Assistant)
Lisa (Nurse)
Raymondo (Recovery Room Nurse)

Rigoberto (Radiology)
Dr. Rodriguez & Valerie (Nurse)

Robert (Blood Work)
Dora (Respiratory)
Terri (Nurse)
Dr. Halloum


  1. Hello

    This is Jay. Just read your posts today.
    Hope your dad has a speedy recovery.

  2. Thanks Jay! Dad is getting better every day. We almost lost him ... and at that time he was very miserable ... could not breathe, sleep, eat, etc. Let's hope it remains just a memory. Dana
