Friday, February 3, 2012


Tuesday, 31 January 2012, while on the way out of Brownsville we exchanged enough us Money to hopefully to get us across Mexico to the Pacific.  The rate was 12.60 pesos to the dollar.

Money Exchangers

Crossing The Bridge:  We crossed from International Blvd. and the US Customs charged us a $3 dollar toll.

Crossing Photos

On the Mexican side of the Rio Grande River the Federal Police told Dana not to take photos.  The Mexican Army was there with rifles in hand.  After Dad parked at Mexican Immigration we were immediately greeted by a man in official looking attire.  He offered to escort us telling us he worked for tips.  But, once we got inside we could tell he knew little about the paperwork and he left.
Fees:  Vehicles older than the year 2000 were charged $200 dollars plus another $43 dollars as an added tax for importing the vehicle into Mexico.  Supposedly, the $200 dollars is refundable minus an export tax at the time of departure if departure is before the 6 month expiration date.

Visas:  We both obtained a 6 month )(i.e. 180 day) visa at $23 dollars each.

When we returned to the parking lot the official looking guide wanted to get into our van to show us around the corner apparently to get more money as he asked for more.  We told him no thanks and departed.  His buddy also dressed in official looking attire acted like a police officer (but he wasn't) and told us the road (calle 6) was closed due to the military.  We almost believed him except other traffic was still being allowed to enter and exit calle 6.  When we didn't allow him to get into our vehicle he changed his story and asked for his tip.  Needless to say, he didn't get one from us.

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