Thursday, January 19, 2012


Thursday, 19 December 2012, Dad and I got up very early to head to the Del Mar College Library in Corpus Christi.  We needed to convert a number of PowerPoint files into .pdf files that Public Libraries in Corpus could not convert.  Chris, a local camper needed a ride into town so Dana gave him his seat and sat in the back.  Before long the van began to sputter and buck so we turned around and headed for Island Tire And Automotive.  Needless to say, the van died along the roadway.  After a while we were able to jump start it at the solenoid.  We then made it to Island Tire and Automotive who did the repair without costing us an arm and a leg.  After spending several hours working on it, it was determined that one of the distributer wires needed to be replaced.  Thanks Island Tire and Automotive.  We then dropped Chris off and went to the Del Mar College.
Died On Side Of Roadway
Chris And Island Tire
Taking A Test Drive  
Looking Inside  
Another Test Drive
Del Mar College Library   

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