Thursday, November 17, 2011


We guess you can call it a breakdown when our vehicle would not start Friday morning, November 11, 2011.  It was a cold night here on N. Padre Island and we hoped it would start when it warmed up.  No such luck.
Towards evening a couple of guys in their 4-wheel drive Jeep honked as they drove past us waving as they headed south down the beach.  The driver, Jeff, was a weekend regular and had honked several times before but had never stopped.  On their way north Dana motioned for them to stop to see if they would give us a jump.  They did, but the jump didn't work.  It was determined that the batteries were fine and had lots of juice.
Jeff in his nice clean clothes crawled under the vehicle and thought it might be the cable going to the starter or even the starter.  They, Jeff and his friend Glenn, stayed around for several hours discussing our booming headache.  Before leaving Jeff said he would bring a can of Coke-a-cola with him tomorrow to clean the starter cable.
During the night we discussed possibilities and none looked good.
New Friends Try To Help
In the morning a little red truck came to the rescue.  The driver, Brandon, stopped while Dana was doing the morning dishes at the rear of the van.  Brandon wanted a cigarette … but we don’t smoke.  In the process Dana learned Brandon was a moonlighting mechanic who offered to take a look at our vehicle.  So, we approached Dad who was sitting in his office, the driver’s seat, and mentioned that Brandon was a mechanic.
When Dana asked Brandon how to hot-wire the van by-passing the ignition switch Brandon knew how to do it.  With the key turned to the run position (not the start position) Brandon took a screwdriver and touched both points on the solenoid and “baroooom” the engine started.  We were going to make it after all.
Brandon then agreed to stop by on Sunday with ignition switch parts to do the repair.

Brandon At Work
It is interesting to note that people who bless the seed of Abraham (help, etc.) get blessed by GOD.  Whereas, those who curse the seed of Abraham (cheat, steal from, or otherwise “drink their blood”) … can expect to be cursed by GOD (Genesis 12:3).  People are eventually going to get what they ask for (Jeremiah 17:10; 25:14; 32:19; 50:29; Isaiah 3:10-11; Ezekiel 24:14).  So, who is the seed of Abraham?
Remember, GOD promised Abraham, He would multiply Abraham’s seed as the stars of heaven and as the sand which is upon the sea shore (Genesis 22:17; 17:2).

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