Friday, September 2, 2011

Mile Zero

Photo By: Reiner Wandler
You guessed it, we returned to mile zero North Padre Island National Seashore for another 14 days of kicking back and enjoying "South Beach" (i.e. 26 August to 9 September 2011).  Dana's been brushing up on learning Spanish and helping Dad with a text titled, "The Ascension Of Latin America".  We're hoping something comes of the text.
We obtainted our first photos of Wylee Coyote.  He tip-toes by almost nightly when it's too dark to photograph him.  He actually came within 8 to 10 feet of Dad while Dad was quitely sitting in the driver's seat with the window half closed watching Wylee's antics after dark.  But, as you can see we got lucky.
Wylee Silhouetted Against Setting Sun

Wylee Hunting For A Piece Of The Fisherman's Catch
Michael, a graphic artist, and his son Josiah from San Antonio, Texas posed with their catch of the day.  Thomas and Didymus think it's a Lady Fish.  What say ye?
Un Pescador del Golfo De Mexico y su hijo
Yes, interesting people seem to show up at our campsite on Padre Island.  David and Justin are from north eastern Texas.

Two Texas Oil Men
Now Proud Owners Of Our Book
"Why Die If You Don't Have To Die?"
Available At:
Thanks again for the ice, bananas, and new friendship.  These guys drove more than a few miles out of their way after a long day at work just to say good-bye and pick up two copies of our book!

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