Monday, August 8, 2011

Visiting Friends In Texas

Lunch With Dennis & Lisa
We found Dennis & Lisa's home in Orange City, Texas after asking directions.  We met Dennis 25 years ago (about 1986) while driving 50 miles an hour plus down the highway toward Wichita, Kansas.  At that time, Dennis motioned us to roll down our car window so he could ask two strangers if they needed gasoline.  At the stoplight we explained we had a full tank of gas and thanked him.  When the light changed he said to follow him.  He pulled into a convenience store  and handed us money which was needed for the next leg of our journey.  But, he didn't know that at the time.  Then he inquired who we were and what we were doing.  He then insisted we come home with him to meet his wife Lisa who was carrying their first child Evan.  At their home in Wichita we took HOT showers, they fed us, and gave us produce from their garden (we are vegetarians).  Over the years we kept in touch exchanging a few letters.  They moved several times and this time ended up in Orange City, Texas ... right in our path.

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