Friday, August 26, 2011

Having Fun On The Beach

We ended up spending our 3 days "camping" in the free beach parking area several miles south of the Bob Hall pier in Corpus Christi, Texas (We're still on Padre Island but north of the National Seashore and just south of the Nueces County line.
The first evening, 23 August 2011 around 5 or 6 PM we were buzzed by an orange US Coast Guard helicopter and then circled again now lower and directly overhead.  Someone inside had a fancy camera pointed at us.  Too bad the pilot didn't land ... aerial photos would be nice!
From the beach we can see three offshore drilling platforms and several other heavy duty pipes arising out of the ocean.  There's probably huge storage tanks submerged underwater to fill ships coming and going.  So, now we suspect where the tar and mats of oil on the beach come from.  Yes, the beach here is not one of the cleaner beaches we've been to.  In fact, it looks like the trash on the beach has been accumulating for years.
Looking At The Tar

Dad Picking Up Trash

Thomas and Didymus have been in Sea Bean Heaven ... Take a look at their discoveries:

Their: "I Love & Want To Hug You" Sea Bean

Their: "Horns Of Daniel's Ram" Sea Bean

Note:  Daniel 8:3-20 describes the two horns of the ram as the Seventh World Kingdom.  The horn which comes up last comes up higher.  The two horns (powers) represent Christianity and Islam, the Two Witnesses (Daniel 5:25-28; Revelation 11:3-11).
Surfing Texas Style
This guy is being pulled by a truck
That's driving down the beach
I have very little computer time at the public library so ... well it's time to quite.  See you all later.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Moving Today

Leaving North Beach
(Padre Island National Seashore)
Taking The Beach Route Towards Pier
Our 14 days of sunshine at Padre Island National Seashore are up today.  We will spend at least the next three days  out of the park before we return for another 14 days.  It's been a great August with steady cool ocean breezes.  So, far we have seen deer (on the way out this morning ... see photo below) and also two coyotes crossing the beach road between dunes (no coyote photo yet).

Four Bucks Seen This Morning

Our Neighbors's Campsite
Large Family From Medina, Texas
Stayed 4 Days
The Kid's Last Hurrah Before
Resumming Home School
I should have gotten a photo of their dobberman fishing.  He spend hours running in big  circles after schools of fish.  At one point  he tried to  grab a fish with his mouth but alll he got was a mouthful  of salt water.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Enjoying Padre Island, TX

Sunrise This Morning
Dana has seen a coyote several times on the beach and near our campsite.  One morning we awoke to find the coyote had stolen our whole big bag of trash we had collected on the beach and had taken it somewhere beyond the dunes.  Dana searched to no avail.  The funny thing is that there wasn't much food in it other than maybe a wax paper wrapper from a stick of butter.  If we get lucky maybe we'll get the coyote's photo.
Phineas and Ferb want to adopt the names of the twins "Thomas" and "Didymus" from the Bible.  Both Thomas (Hebrew) and Didymus (Greek) mean "twin" in their respective language.

The Twins Love Padre Island, TX

Weekenders Show Up
Last weekend people showed up from all over.  We met several interesting people.  One couple had a beautiful all-white Hummer.  After they left all four of us were wishing we could have had our photos taken in it as it drove up the hill.

What's Cooking?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Padre Island, Texas

We entered Padre Island National Seashore 9 August 2011.  Dad discovered his golden age passport entitled him to free Park entrance.   Imagine that, we are now camping on the sandy beach in our van.

Dad Enjoying Padre Island
Those with 4 wheel drive have 60 miles of empty beach to choose from.  Since we are conserving gas, food, etc. (saving up for the expense involved in crossing into Mexico ... car insurance, etc.) we are staying next to mile marker zero which is just as  good ... there's hardly anybody here but us, the seagulls and the occasional vehicle that drives in or out. 
We are planning on staying here for two months to save money and enjoy the beach ... why not?  We are allowed to stay 14 consecutive days in the Park.  Then we must leave for 48 hours before we can return for another 14 days.  We are allotted a total of 56 days in any given year.
There's no fresh water here so we've learned to wash dishes and ourselves using ocean water.  They're not the greatest but there are pit toilets nearby.  We have discovered that if we hike a mile north we can get fresh water showers and fill our water jugs at the visitor's center.  Today, we are doing laundry at the airconditioned North Padre Island Wash and then using the Public Library (Janet F. Harte Library) in Flour Bluff near Corpus Christi, Tx.

Staying At Zero Mile Marker

Dana Got Up To See The Sunrise

Dad Enjoying Watermelon

Sunrise Day 2 At Padre Island

From Orange, Texas To Padre Island

Our drive to Padre Island went well except for seeing only one rest area between Houston and Padre Island.  And, of course, we stopped there for a late breakfast.  At that time, we did notice a little bit of fluid dripping from the radiator cap area but it appears to be minimal and nothing to worry about. 

Houston, Texas

Leaving Houston

Our Stay In Orange, Texas

We ended up spending sevearl days with our friends Dennis, Lisa and their youngest children Faith, Abigail, and Erin.  thier older children had already left the nest. 
The Backyard

Nice Old Tree In The Front Yard

Texas Size Water Pump
Shortly before saying good-bye Dennis & Lisa again blessed us with several bags of goodies and some of that green stuff.  We thank you again and so do Phineas and Ferb!  The two boys also thank you for letting us know that their names have been copyrighted by someone else.   If anyone has a suggestion for new names please let us know. 

Monday, August 8, 2011

Visiting Friends In Texas

Lunch With Dennis & Lisa
We found Dennis & Lisa's home in Orange City, Texas after asking directions.  We met Dennis 25 years ago (about 1986) while driving 50 miles an hour plus down the highway toward Wichita, Kansas.  At that time, Dennis motioned us to roll down our car window so he could ask two strangers if they needed gasoline.  At the stoplight we explained we had a full tank of gas and thanked him.  When the light changed he said to follow him.  He pulled into a convenience store  and handed us money which was needed for the next leg of our journey.  But, he didn't know that at the time.  Then he inquired who we were and what we were doing.  He then insisted we come home with him to meet his wife Lisa who was carrying their first child Evan.  At their home in Wichita we took HOT showers, they fed us, and gave us produce from their garden (we are vegetarians).  Over the years we kept in touch exchanging a few letters.  They moved several times and this time ended up in Orange City, Texas ... right in our path.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

700 Miles To Texas

Phineas and Ferb wanted to see the Governor in Tallahassee, the State Capitol, this morning but we didn't have time ... if we were going to reach Texas by nightfall.  They wanted to give the Governor an ear full concerning our house at 344 Barrello Lane, Cocoa Beach, Florida.

Tunnel Mobile Alabama
Mississippi Bridge
Just before leaving Mississippi we found ourselves in another traffic jam.  This time our engine overheated (the needle for the oil gauge went to zero, and the engine shut down).  It was hot out.  After pulling over we waited a while, added oil and water and miracles happened ... we were off and running again!
A River In Louisiana
A Louisiana Swamp
After Jamming on the brakes on I-10 to avoid a pile up we needed to pull over as many of our belongings had joined us in the front seats.  We ended up pulling into the town of Scott (Lafayette Parish, Louisiana) and parking next to a refurbished railroad car.  We stumbled upon this quaint French speaking group and were invited to spend the evening with them at "La Maison de Begnaud" for music, etc. but we couldn't ... Texas was calling ... we wanted to get there by dark.
Thanks Again "La Maison ..." you made a big difference!

La Maison de Begnaud
110 Benoit Patin
Scott, Louisiana
Exit # 97

Sunset In Texas

The Adventures Of Phineas & Ferb

We finally left Cocoa Beach and Brevard County, Florida on 4 August 2011 after having all four shocks replaced on our van.  What a difference!

Dad Getting The Price Beforehand

Roxane's Friends Live In This House
Roxane's two friends Phineas and Ferb spent all night packing their suitcases for the trip.  This is their first trip without Roxane.  As you can see, their home is in the White House.
We invite everyone including your children to tune in for the adventures of Phineas and Ferb as they travel with George and his son Dana to South America.

Traffic On 295 Jacksonville, Florida
From Cocoa Beach we traveled north on I-95.  Traffic wasn't too bad until we reached the 295 bypass around Jacksonville.  Traffic was backed up for miles.
For our first night on the road we slept undisturbed at the I-10 rest area just before the Madison County line (About 60 to 70 miles east of Tallahassee).

Dana At Rest Area Near Tallahassee

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Blasting Off From Cocoa Beach

This morning Roxane and her dog came by to watch the sunrise with us before wishing us well on our trip.


Our Van Parked At 16th Street On Departure Day

Angela Also Showed Up To Say Goodbye

Barefoot John Also Came By

Good Bye Beautiful Cocoa Beach